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Love your tip about learning to master one site very well. So much easier than trying to be a jack of many "sites" master of none.

This is a great piece to share, thanks!

Megan Fitzgerald

Hi Chandlee,

I feel like the world of social media can be so overwhelming that some don't know where to start or how on earth are they going to manage to be on all of these site available. Selective, strategic action - focused on quality and consistently tproviding value is important to succeed.

Many thaanks!

Martin Buckland

The statistics you have pointed out are extremely valuable in understanding today's job search. You've provided a very informative post!

Nicholas Gronow

Megan, love the updated social media video. You combine several useful statistics and assign meaning from them well here. I especially thought the thought process for the power of social media compared to our CV was an eye opener.

Megan Fitzgerald

@Martin - thanks so much for the positive feedback! I think its helpful to share statistics showing our changing times.

@Nicholas - thanks for the comment! I do feel that formal documents are not as powerful as they used to be as far as opening doors are concerned. Certainly they have a critical place in hiring, but figure in more later rather than earlier in the process. It's fascinating to watch our changing climate and how it affects how we apply for jobs.

My best,

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