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Gayle Howard

Excellent post and very true. I've often had people say to me "Do you write international resumes?" as if there is a resume for the United States and then the rest are "international". You're so right -- documents change from country to country, from state to state. People even say "I want a resume for Europe" not understanding that there are 50 countries (27 in the European Union) in Europe. So being aware of the local customs is mandatory in a successful job hunt.

There are also different situations as you mentioned - economic for one. For instance in Australia, the unemployment is only 5.2%. Half of the US. Consequently the way one would search for a job in the United States is not going to be the same as a search in Australia.

A really helpful article again! Congrats!

Jacqui Barrett-Poindexter, Executive Resume Strategist


What a crisp post that shines a light on 7 critical elements of a successful job search. Interestingly, all 7 could be applied to both expat and non-expat job seekers, particularly with so many global opportunities available.

Though #6 (Cultural Differences) applies most directly to expats, for any executive who strives to fit into a culturally diverse company that has reach into multi-continents, being sensitive and educated on cultural nuances is vital.

I particularly like this line: "If you are a job seeker and any of the seven items above is unfamiliar to you, then it is important that you carve out time to educate yourself about these issues critical to the success of your job search." So true! You have provided job seekers a check list of items to either learn about, improve upon and / or practice (if they are already familiar) to ensure healthy career management!

It's so nice to have an Expat Coach on the Career Collective 'team!' Thanks!


Megan Fitzgerald

@Gayle - Thanks for your thoughts. It is indeed true that there is not one size that fits all in the world of resumes and CVs. It's also true that there are countries right now that have skill shortages and very low employment rates like Australia. By broadening their views about where they want to live, people can open up a whole new world of job possibilities.

@Jacqui - Thanks for the feedback. It is true that in today's globalized world there are many similar challenges between what a job seeker looking for domestic and international opportunities face. The online reputation and network piece of the puzzle has always been critical for expats but it is now becoming just as critical to those who have easy access to their network locally. And with companies becoming more culturally diverse, every executive, regardless of location, must have some modicum of cultural intelligence. The crossroads of culture and work is an interesting place which never stops providing us new ways of looking at ourselves, how we work and the job search in particular.

I feel honored to be able to contribute to the body of knowledge being put forth by the Career Collective!

Best to both of you in the new year!

Critical illness cover

Oftentimes moving abroad comes as a result of a job offer to relocate. Sounds great - the chance to live overseas, with a position already lined up, and frequently a promotion/pay hike to boot. But for any accompanying partner there is a lot more to think about.

Megan Fitzgerald

Many thanks for your comment "Critical Illness".

I absolutely agree that a move abroad affects the entire family and any choice made to move overseas should be seen as a family decision.

The number one reason for expat assignment failure is spousal dissatisfaction (often with their career prospects) so it's important that everyone is willing and able to embrace the experience with all of its benefits and challenges.

My best,


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